Kangana’s latest Instagram post is reminiscent of the time when she was called a witch. Kangana shared a video of Sadhguru on her Instagram story on Sunday, in which she can be seen narrating an incident in Europe. He said that 60 lakh women were burnt as witches because they had some potential.
(Photo Credits: Instagram@kanganaranaut)
Adding a caption to her Insta story, the actress wrote, ‘If you have super powers then you will be called a witch. I was called a witch, but I didn’t let them burn myself, rather I should be a real witch, Aabra Ka Dabra.’
The actress further said, ‘In the year 2016, one of the chief editors of the print media wrote an article in his paper that he claimed to have uncovered evidence of my black magic skills on the basis of his investigative journalism and he was convinced. It was that I used to mix my period blood in those laddoos, which I used to give as gifts on Diwali.
Kangana told why people used to call her a witch
The ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ actress wrote at the end of the article, ‘Those days were fun, no one could believe that I could have topped without film background, education, guidance, agency and help from group or boyfriend/friends. Arrived. So, all of them had only one answer that I do black magic.
Kangana Ranaut is busy shooting for ‘Emergency’
Let us tell you that Kangana Ranaut was accused by her ex-boyfriend Adhyayan Suman. On the work front, Kangana Ranaut was last seen in ‘Dhaakad’. The action thriller performed poorly at the box office. She is busy preparing for her next films including ‘Emergency’ and ‘Tejas’.
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Tags: Kangana Ranaut