New Delhi. Amitabh Bachchan will also be seen for the first time in Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon’s upcoming film ‘Ganapath’. This film has been a topic of discussion among the audience for a long time. Meanwhile, the makers have released the teaser of the film. Tiger Shroff’s action is being seen once again in the teaser.
Let us tell you that according to the announcement of the makers, the first part of the film ‘Ganpat’ will be released in theaters on October 20, 2023. Let us inform that the cast of the film along with the makers of the teaser have also shared the film on their respective social accounts. Sharing the teaser, Tiger Shroff’s account wrote, ‘In such a world where terror reigns, Ganpat is coming, releasing the brilliant entertainer on 20th October 2023 as the voice of my people! Fully ready to do this Dussehra in theatres.
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Tags: amitabh bachchan, Kriti Sanon, tiger shroff
FIRST PUBLISHED : February 22, 2023, 17:48 IST