His wife Vrushali told ETimes, ‘He went into a coma yesterday afternoon and after that he is not responding even to touch. He is on ventilator. Based on his health, tomorrow morning the doctors will decide what to do. Please tell that Vikram Gokhale is admitted in Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune since 5th November.
His wife has informed that there was a slight improvement in his condition but he became serious again. He is suffering from many diseases of heart and kidney. At this time he has multi-organ failure.
Meanwhile, his daughter has also confirmed to ANI that her father is still on life support. Vikram Gokhale was born on October 30, 1947 in Pune. He belongs to a film family. His father Chandrakant Gokhale also acted in more than 50 Marathi films. Some time back, the news of Hindi cinema’s veteran actress Tabassum suddenly leaving this world shook everyone. Now Bollywood had not even recovered from the news of his departure from this world that now the rumors of Vikram Gokhale’s demise created a stir in the industry. But Vikram Gokhale is still admitted in the hospital in Pune.
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Tags: Bollywood actors