Title: “Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway Review: An Emotional Legal Drama with Some Flaws | Bollywood”
Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway is a legal drama that follows the story of a mother who fights against the Norwegian government to keep her child with her. The movie, directed by the prominent Bengali filmmaker Aniket Chattopadhyay, features Rituparna Sengupta, one of the leading actresses in Bengali cinema, as the protagonist. While the film tackles a weighty subject, it is not flawless.
The movie starts with the Oslo police arresting Mrs Chatterjee’s son, who is diagnosed with autism, for stealing a mobile phone. After discovering that the child is not being taken care of properly, the Norwegian authorities decide to take him into foster care, leading to a legal battle between Mrs Chatterjee and the Norwegian government.
The movie deals with themes of culture clash, emotional turmoil, and the limitations of the law. Sengupta delivers a commanding performance as the mother fighting for her child’s cause. The movie’s cinematography and editing are also worth praising.
However, the film falls short in parts, turning unnecessarily melodramatic at times. Additionally, the pacing of the movie is uneven, with some scenes dragging while others are rushed.
In conclusion, Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway is an emotionally charged legal drama that deals with a relevant issue. Despite its flaws, it is a movie that should be watched for its performances and for raising awareness about cultural differences and child custody issues.