Mumbai. The new year has started well in Bollywood. Shah Rukh Khan has opened the account by giving blockbuster ‘Pathan’. Now all the filmmakers are pinning hopes on their films. After Kartik Aryan’s ‘Shahzada’, Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor’s film ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’ will now hit the theaters in March. These days the promotion phase is going on regarding the film. But you might have also noted one thing that Ranbir and Shraddha are promoting the film separately.
This romantic comedy drama of Luv Ranjan is going to release on 8 March. After the trailer of the film, now songs are being released one after the other so that curiosity remains among the people. Along with this, the lead actors of the film are also busy promoting, but Ranbir and Shraddha are not seen together in any promotional event. Let us try to understand what is the reason behind this.
Craze remained till the release of the film
Ranbir and Shraddha were seen together during the trailer of the film. Apart from this, both are promoting the film at their level. Even during the trailer launch, both the actors stood separately. During the event, director Luv Ranjan said that you will have to come to the cinema hall to see the chemistry of both the actors. In such a situation, it is being told that the makers do not want to bring both the actors together so that there is a craze to see the chemistry of both in the film. That is, now a new trend of promotion is coming in Bollywood.
Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Pathan’ broke records, Ranbir Kapoor’s chest widened, said- ‘The bad phase is over’
reach a wider audience
Both Shraddha and Ranbir have their own fan following. In such a situation, when both are promoting the film by going to different events, then the reach of the audience is increasing. Promotional events often become limited when both the actors come together. On the other hand, Shraddha is focusing more on promotion through social media. Recently he shared his ‘Thumka’ video with Papa Shakti Kapoor.
There was a special connection between Rishi and Shakti Kapoor; Do you know that the children of both became ‘liar’ and ‘scoundrel’?
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Tag: ranbir kapoor, shraddha kapoor
FIRST PUBLISHED : February 23, 2023, 11:55 IST