Rajesh Khanna Criticized Anju Mahendru For Wearing Skirts, Taunted Her For Sarees: ‘He Was Orthodox’ FilmyStar
When Anju Mahendru revealed Rajesh Khanna criticised her for wearing skirts: ‘He was orthodox’ Filmystar Etimes
Rajesh Khanna would ‘snap’ at Anju Mahendru for dressed in skirts, would taunt her when she wore a saree: ‘Trying to project a Bhartiya nari look?’ The Indian Categorical
Rajesh Khanna Would Taunt Anju Mahendru For Dressed in Skirts: ‘If I Wore A Skirt, He’d Snap…’ BollywoodShaadis.com
When ‘frightened’ Dimple Kapadia mentioned that she ‘never got a word of praise’ from Rajesh Khanna: ‘Spent all my energy doing what he wanted’ The Indian Categorical