Mumbai. Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan is in discussion about the upcoming film ‘Pathaan’. The teaser of the film was launched on Shahrukh’s birthday, which the fans enjoyed a lot. The film also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. John and Shahrukh also have fight scenes in the film. John is a very gentle and well behaved person in real life. It is not us, Shahrukh who is working with him has said. Shahrukh and John are seen sharing screen space for the first time in the film. Shahrukh praised John fiercely during a chat session.
Shah Rukh Khan had an Ask Me Anything session with his fans on Saturday afternoon. During this, a fan asked him about working with John in the film. To this Shah Rukh replied, “Known John for years, it was a pleasure working with him. He is one of the most gentle and well behaved person.”
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‘Pathan’ presents the story of an Indian spy. Through this film, Shahrukh is seen doing action other than his romance hero image. His tremendous action sequences will be seen in the film, whose glimpse has also been seen in the teaser. Fans are very excited about this film of Shahrukh.
Shahrukh’s return to the big screen
Shahrukh Khan is returning to the big screen after almost 4 years through this film. Although he has done cameo in films like Rocketry and Brahmastra. These cameos were also well liked by the audience. Shah Rukh was last seen in the 2018 film ‘Zero’, which was a box-office flop.
‘Pathan’ is made under the banner of Yash Raj Films. Yash Raj Films will complete 50 years with the release of the film. ‘Pathan’ will be released in cinemas on January 25, 2023.
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Tags: john abraham, shah rukh khan