Frequent tv actor Nakuul Mehta has reacted strongly to a viral video appearing Telugu actor Nandamuri Balakrishna pushing actress Anjali on level. The incident, which took place throughout a pre-release match for Anjali’s after movie “Gangs of Godavari,” has sparked popular grievance on social media. Sharing the video on X (previously referred to as Twitter), Nakuul Mehta expressed his dismay, writing, “Not one person expressed their discomfort.Not one. Ridiculous behaviour by the gent.”
Within the video, Nandamuri Balakrishna, who was once a leading visitor on the match, is revealed pushing Anjali later she reputedly fails to listen to his phrases. This sudden occupation left many audience surprised and triggered a flurry of reactions on-line. The feedback category beneath Nakuul’s publish mirrored a mixture of outrage and unhappiness. One consumer commented, “Bigger problem is the justification given by some folks saying they know each other so it’s just fun but looking at the visuals it didn’t seem funny and the lady should have reacted but we all know she won’t, just imagine what the person would be doing without cameras.” Some other consumer famous, “And on top of that, everyone is laughing hard….”
The incident additionally drew consideration to the reactions of others provide on level. Anjali’s co-star, Neha Shetty, gave the impression visibly shocked through Balakrishna’s conduct. Alternatively, Anjali herself laughed it off, which added to the talk. One in particular wrathful remark learn, “This is beyond ridiculous. What angers me more is that idiotic lady laughing as if nothing happened. So what if he is a powerful person in Tollywood, self-respect naam ki koyi cheez hoti hai.”
Nandamuri Balakrishna’s movements were extensively condemned at the Web, with many society wondering the appropriateness of his conduct, without reference to the context. The truth that nobody on level overtly expressed discomfort or objected to the incident additional fueled the talk.
For the ones unfamiliar with the development, Nandamuri Balakrishna was once invited as a leading visitor at a pre-release match for “Gangs of Godavari,” a movie starring Anjali, Vishwak Sen, and Neha Shetty. The viral video presentations Balakrishna pushing Anjali, which sparked a combined response from the target market and the ones on level. Year Anjali laughed, in all probability to defuse the status, others, together with Neha Shetty, seemed greatly surprised.
This incident has sparked a broader dialog about conduct in population areas and the duties of celebrities to all set suitable examples. Because the video continues to flow into, the talk over Balakrishna’s movements and the responses from the ones concerned will most likely proceed to be an issue of debate.
Within the video, Nandamuri Balakrishna, who was once a leading visitor on the match, is revealed pushing Anjali later she reputedly fails to listen to his phrases. This sudden occupation left many audience surprised and triggered a flurry of reactions on-line. The feedback category beneath Nakuul’s publish mirrored a mixture of outrage and unhappiness. One consumer commented, “Bigger problem is the justification given by some folks saying they know each other so it’s just fun but looking at the visuals it didn’t seem funny and the lady should have reacted but we all know she won’t, just imagine what the person would be doing without cameras.” Some other consumer famous, “And on top of that, everyone is laughing hard….”
The incident additionally drew consideration to the reactions of others provide on level. Anjali’s co-star, Neha Shetty, gave the impression visibly shocked through Balakrishna’s conduct. Alternatively, Anjali herself laughed it off, which added to the talk. One in particular wrathful remark learn, “This is beyond ridiculous. What angers me more is that idiotic lady laughing as if nothing happened. So what if he is a powerful person in Tollywood, self-respect naam ki koyi cheez hoti hai.”
Nandamuri Balakrishna’s movements were extensively condemned at the Web, with many society wondering the appropriateness of his conduct, without reference to the context. The truth that nobody on level overtly expressed discomfort or objected to the incident additional fueled the talk.
For the ones unfamiliar with the development, Nandamuri Balakrishna was once invited as a leading visitor at a pre-release match for “Gangs of Godavari,” a movie starring Anjali, Vishwak Sen, and Neha Shetty. The viral video presentations Balakrishna pushing Anjali, which sparked a combined response from the target market and the ones on level. Year Anjali laughed, in all probability to defuse the status, others, together with Neha Shetty, seemed greatly surprised.
This incident has sparked a broader dialog about conduct in population areas and the duties of celebrities to all set suitable examples. Because the video continues to flow into, the talk over Balakrishna’s movements and the responses from the ones concerned will most likely proceed to be an issue of debate.
Actress Anjali narrowly avoids a fall later Nandamuri Balakrishna pushes her on level; Hansal Mehta yelps the south famous person a ‘S**MBAG’