marilyn monroe death mystery after 60 years death reason not found
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Marilyn Monroe. As soon as this name comes on the tongue, the photo comes in front of her eyes, in which she is seen handling her flying dress with both hands with red lipstick on her lips. Blonde hair, sandy eyes and a black mole near her cheek. Only this evergreen beautiful face emerges. At that time, she was such an actress of Hollywood, whom people’s eyes longed to see. Everything was there in his life. Name, money, fame and status… but she could not live her life full of glory. At the age of just 36 years (How old is Marilyn Monroe when she died?) she said goodbye to the world and death also left behind a lot of questions (Marilyn Monroe Death Reason), whose answers people still look for.According to the news that appeared after Marilyn’s death, it was August 5, 1962. It was just about to dawn. It was about 3:30 in the morning. Marilyn Monroe’s psychiatrist broke into her bedroom by breaking a window when they found her lying dead on the bed with an empty vial of sleeping pills lying nearby. Marilyn’s housekeeper was awakened in the middle of the night when she saw the lights of the actress’s room lit and the door locked from inside. She is lying face naked on the bed and she also had a telephone receiver in one hand. He called the psychiatrist and told that something is wrong.

Complained to Psychiatrist before death (Marilyn Monroe in depression)

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

According to the police report, Marilyn had called a psychiatrist the evening before her death and complained that she could not sleep, so was going out for a ride. So when the maid of the actress called and told that the light in her room was on and she was not opening the door even after screaming, she could not believe it, because she was thinking that she went on a ride to the sea or to the park Will be

Marilyn Monroe drugs overdose

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe death

Marilyn’s sudden death shocked everyone. When his body reached the mortuary for post-mortem, all eyes were fixed on the clock, because everyone wanted to know in the report what was the cause of death. However, his post-mortem report stated that he died due to an overdose of drugs. No suicide note was also found from his house which he had bought a few days back.

Separate claims in Netflix documentary (Marilyn Monroe documentary)

Marilyn Monroe

Merlin’s death

However, the Netflix documentary ‘The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes’ featured an unheard story about her. A relentless effort was made to solve the mystery related to his death by talking to the special people associated with him. In this, an attempt has been made to show the truth behind fame. Also, the reports have shown a story beyond what was claimed.

Had a great fight with Bob Kennedy (Marilyn Monroe bobby kennedy)

Marilyn Monroe death mystery

How did Marilyn die?

It has been told that on August 4, at around 10:30 pm, something happened in the Hollywood Bowl, which was very wrong. It is also told in this documentary that Robert Kennedy (Bob) was at Marilyn’s house in the afternoon of the day he died. Bob was the brother of the then US President John F. Kennedy. According to a Summers report, the actress told a friend that she loved Bob Kennedy and was going to get married. It is also said that there was a terrible fight between Bob and him on the day of his death. It is shown in the documentary that around 2-3 o’clock on the night of Monroe’s death, Bob took off in a helicopter to the airport to catch the flight. However, what is the truth, it remains a mystery even today.

Marilyn Monroe secrets

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe’s Secrets

Marilyn was also in discussion about her affair (Why was Marilyn Monroe Life tragic?) more than films. It is said that after celebrating her 16th birthday, she married James Dougherty in 1942. She was not satisfied with her married life. After a year of marriage, he went to the Navy and Marilyn started working in the factory to earn money. Some photographers went there to click photos and they found Marilyn’s face very photogenic. After that his luck started turning.

Marilyn Monroe affairs

marilyn monroe movies

Marilyn Monroe

After separating from James Dougherty in 1946, Marilyn joined Joe DiMaggio in 1954. Although this relationship lasted only 1 year and both got separated. The very next year in 1956, she married Arthur Miller. This marriage lasted until 1961 (Was Marilyn Monroe married at the time of her death?) and she died in 1962. During these marriages, there were discussions about having more affairs.

She used to write her pain on paper (What was Marilyn Monroe’s worth when she died?)

Marilyn Monroe

Years after Marilyn’s death, some hand-written notes were found in which she told the truth of life. She had written such deep things, which she could hardly have told anyone. In these notes, the pain hidden behind his laughing life was written. She was very different. His love made him different. Perhaps this is the reason why even after 60 years of death, people want to know the secrets which she left behind her death.

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