new DelhiKartik Aaryan has emerged as a big star since ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’ showed the miracle at the box office. Along with the professional life of the actor, the fans also keep an eye on his love life. People pay attention to their affair and breakup. Karthik Aryan has talked about breakup with a funny caption on one of his latest posts.
Karthik has shared a selfie of himself sitting in the car and wrote in his caption, ‘I will never breakup with my gym. We are always seen doing workouts. Karthik can be seen in the gym look in the photo. They are seen wearing T-shirts and caps. The fans of the actor are very fond of his gym look.
(Photo Credits: Instagram @kartikaaryan)
Karthik Aryan went to Qatar to watch the final of the FIFA World Cup. He showed his glimpse to the fans between the final match of Argentina and France. He wrote in the caption accompanying the video, ‘Can’t tell how it felt last night. Can’t believe that we have seen the biggest FIFA final match. Karthik was supporting France unlike most Indians.
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Tags: kartik aaryan
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 26, 2022, 19:32 IST