New Delhi- Many actresses of the 90s, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Rani Mukherjee, Kajol, are trolled on social media every day because of their age. Kareena Kapoor has already openly expressed her opinion on this issue, but recently a statement by ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ actress Kate Winslet has started a big debate on this issue. After this statement of Kate Winslet came to the fore, two Bollywood veteran actresses have come out in support of Kate. Kareena Kapoor and Anushka Sharma have praised the actress of ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ by sharing the story on Instagram.
Sharing the video of Kate Winslet’s statement, Kareena Kapoor writes, ‘Kate you are the best.’ He has also shared heart emojis in the story. While sharing the video on her Instagram, Anushka Sharma writes, ‘After all she said.’ Anushka has also shared white heart emoji with this video.
(Photo courtesy-instagram @kareenakapoorkhan, @anushkasharma
In a video shared on Instagram by People Magazine, Kate says, ‘I had some great role models, but I never felt like people were constantly looking for me. Whereas now, we are constantly looking for young actors, due to which we senior actors keep getting confused in our mind that we should not be here, someone better than us, now we should forget all this stardom ‘
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Tags: anushka sharma, To install Entertainment news., kareena kapoor khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 15, 2022, 21:52 IST