Alia Bhatt recently took to Instagram Stories to engage with her fans during an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session. One of the questions posed to her was about her husband, Ranbir Kapoor. In response, Alia shared a candid picture of them hugging on the sofa, with Ranbir affectionately kissing her forehead. When asked about the best thing about Ranbir, Alia replied that he is her “happy place” because she can be her truest and most authentic self with him.
This response came after Alia received mixed reactions to a makeup routine video she had shared. In the video, she explained her preference for wiping off her lipstick to achieve a faded look. Alia revealed that even when Ranbir was her boyfriend, he would always encourage her to remove her lipstick because he loved the natural color of her lips. However, some people on social media criticized this behavior, considering it a “red flag.”
In another interaction with a fan, Alia confirmed that Ranbir was indeed the photographer behind her current Instagram profile picture. She even shared another picture from the same location, expressing that Ranbir is her favorite photographer.
Alia and Ranbir got married in April 2022 after dating for several years. They first met on the sets of the film Brahmastra. Their daughter, Raha, was born on November 6, 2022.
On the professional front, Alia recently appeared in the Netflix film Heart of Stone, alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan, marking her debut in Hollywood. Her latest Bollywood film, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, is currently running successfully in theaters. Meanwhile, Ranbir was last seen in the romantic comedy Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar, alongside Shraddha Kapoor. He has another film titled Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, scheduled for release in December.
Alia’s affectionate and candid revelations about her relationship with Ranbir have garnered attention and adoration from fans. Their chemistry both on and off-screen continues to captivate audiences.