Marking Rajinikanth’s return to the big screen after a two-year break, the highly anticipated film Jailer is set to be a full action-packed entertainer. The Economic Times reported that offices in Chennai and Bengaluru have announced leave for their employees on the release day of Jailer. Some companies have even gone a step further by providing free tickets to their employees. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, Jailer is scheduled to hit theaters on August 10.
The excitement among fans is palpable as the release of Jailer draws closer. Many fans have taken to social media to countdown the days until the film’s release. The anticipation for a strong box office debut is high, with a company’s holiday announcement in honor of Rajnikanth’s movie Jailer going viral.
The company’s notice stated that they declared a holiday on August 10 to avoid a flood of leave requests to the HR department. In addition, they are going the extra mile to support anti-piracy efforts by providing free tickets to employees.
Jailer marks Rajinikanth’s first collaboration with director Nelson Dilipkumar. The film showcases Rajinikanth in the role of a retired police officer. The official trailer for Jailer, titled Jailer Showcase, was released earlier this month. The trailer also gave a glimpse of Jackie Shroff as he threatens Rajinikanth over a phone call. Jailer also features Priyanka Mohan, Shiva Rajkumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Ramya Krishnan, Yogi Babu, Vasanth Ravi, and Vinayakan.
In a surprising move, the makers of Jailer have included veteran Malayalam actor Mohanlal for an extended cameo in the film. A new poster featuring Rajinikanth and Mohanlal together was released on August 5, creating more buzz for the film. The poster shows the two actors sitting on a couch and engaged in conversation. Sun Pictures, the production company, shared the poster on Twitter, stating, “5 days to go for Jailer storm in theaters! Jailer from August 10.”
With the release of Jailer just around the corner, fans and employees alike are eagerly awaiting the return of Rajinikanth to the silver screen. The film promises to be an action-packed extravaganza that will surely leave audiences entertained.