Mumbai: Many good news has come out from Bollywood in the last few days. From Alia Bhatt to Bipasha Basu, many celebs became parents this year. Now, with the passing of the year, another Bollywood actor has become a father. Yes, Harman Baweja and Sasha Ramchandani have become parents. The actor’s wife has given birth to a son. This is the first child of the couple, with whose birth both are very happy. Both were tied in marriage in the year 2021 itself and now both have become parents.
It has not yet been officially announced by Harman Baweja, Sasha Ramchandrani or his family. Because Harman is only nominally active on social media. bollywood ruckus As per reports, the couple welcomed their son on 22 December. But, after this news came to the fore, Harman Baweja’s fans are very happy. He is getting congratulations through social media.
Harman Baweja made his Bollywood debut with ‘2050’ opposite global star Priyanka Chopra. After this he appeared in Victory. Amrita Rao appeared with him in this. Then he also did Ashutosh Gowariker’s ‘What’s your zodiac’, in which once again his pairing with Priyanka Chopra. But, even after this, he could not show that wonder in Bollywood, which was expected of him. These days Harman Baweja was called a duplicate of Hrithik Roshan.
Actually, Harman Baweja’s looks are very similar to Hrithik Roshan, due to which he was called a duplicate of the superstar. Perhaps this was the reason why he could not establish himself in Bollywood. Recently, Harman was in discussion about his marriage with Sasha Ramchandani, who is a nutritionist and dietician by profession. Both held each other’s hand on 21 March 2021 in Kolkata.
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Tags: bollywood, Bollywood news, Harman Baweja
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 23, 2022, 15:08 IST