The picture shared by Bipasha on her Instagram. Fans are showering love on him openly. Shortly after the birth of the daughter, Bipasha and Karan gave good news to the fans by sharing the post on social media. Now, ending the wait of the fans, the actress has also shared a glimpse of her daughter Devi. In the picture, Bipasha and Karan are seen standing near the window.
(Photo Credits: Instagram @bipashabasu)
Bipasha shared the post
In the shared post, Karan Singh Grover has taken the daughter in his hands. Nearby, Bipasha is seen lovingly looking at her daughter. This picture of the couple is telling the atmosphere of that time. Along with this, the happiness of the daughter coming into his life is also clearly visible on his face. While sharing this picture, Bipasha has also revealed the secret of her daughter’s sweetness. The actress writes, there is a recipe to make Sweet Baby Angel.
-your quarter cup
-My Quarter Cup
-Half cup mother’s blessings
-a little magic topping
– 3 drops of rainbow, angel dust, unicorn sparkle and all things divine.
-Tasteful Cuteness and Yumminess
fans showering love
Fans are commenting fiercely on this picture of Bipasha Basu. Fans are making heart emoji expressing their love on this picture. This great happiness has come in the life of Bipasha and Karan after 6 years of marriage. Let us inform that Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover were tied in marriage on April 30, 2016. The news of Bipasha’s pregnancy also came in the year 2018. When her alleged baby bump was seen in an event. However, Bipasha denied the reports through a tweet at that time.
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Tags: Bipasha Basu, Bollywood News, Karan Singh Grover