Priyanka asked Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia to do push-ups until she was asked to stop. While Nimrit obeyed, Priyanka was still unhappy that she was not doing push-ups properly. Sajid said that Nimrit is doing right, but Priyanka opposed it. After this, Archana asked Shiva to bring a bowl of salt.
Sajid refused to let this happen. After this Archana shouted at Sajid, Sajid said, what will you say tomorrow? Put chili in the eye. Ankit challenges Abdu to drink a raw egg, which he does. Then he asked him to drink two liters of water in five minutes but Sajid refused to do so. When Priyanka asked the purpose of the people sitting inside the skull whether the operators would not let them do anything. Sajid started shouting loudly. He said, I can shout too! That’s right, the operator is a cheater.
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Tags: bigg boss, Bollywood news, Sajid Khan