Shah Rukh Khan Features In Empire Magazine: Amidst the ongoing controversy over Shah Rukh Khan’s film ‘Pathan’, another title has been registered in the name of King Khan. Recently, ‘Empire Magazine’ has released the list of 50 Faces Stars of all time. In which Shah Rukh Khan is the only Bollywood star whose name is included in this list. It is being said that a lot has been written about Shahrukh in the magazine.
If seen, ever since the song ‘Besharam Rang’ from Shah Rukh Khan’s film ‘Pathan’ has been released, the film has been embroiled in controversies. Since then till now there is a lot of protest against this film of Shahrukh Khan. Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra has also talked about changing the scene of the film and banning the song, as well as said that if this does not happen then whether the film will be released in Madhya Pradesh or not will be considered. . Shahrukh is in a lot of discussion these days about his film. Now his name has also been included in the list of 50 Faces Stars of ‘Empire Magazine’.
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Shah Rukh Khan’s name alone in 50 famous stars
According to a report by India Today, Empire Magazine has recently released a list of 50 Famous Actors for its February 2023 issue. The names of many famous big stars like Hollywood stars Tom Hanks, Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington have been included in this. But only actor Shah Rukh Khan from Hindi cinema has got a place in this list.
(Photo courtesy: Instagram: @poojadadlani02)
Shahrukh was praised in the magazine
Sharing the photo of Shahrukh Khan, the magazine wrote, ‘Miss Marvel’s favorite star Shahrukh Khan has been entertaining people with his work for almost four decades. If we talk about his fan following, then he is also in the number of billions worldwide. Shahrukh has mastered all kinds of genre films. He has always won the hearts of fans with all kinds of characters.
Mention of these characters of Shahrukh in the magazine
Many such films and characters of Shahrukh’s career have also been mentioned in the magazine, which have left an indelible mark on the hearts of the audience. Many of his popular characters played in films have also been specially nominated. These include the character of Shah Rukh (Devdas Mukherjee) played in Devdas, the character of King Khan (Rahul) played in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and characters like (Mohan Bhagarv) in Swedash.
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Tags: Entertainment news., shahrukh khan, shahrukh khan pathan
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 20, 2022, 21:47 IST