Actor Noor Malabika Das was once discovered useless in her Mumbai flat, the police mentioned as of late. They believe she died through suicide. Das, a former breeze hostess with Qatar Airlines, had labored along actor Kajol within the 2023 felony drama ‘The Trial’.
Her frame was once recovered from her flat in Lokhandwala on Thursday. Her neighbours had knowledgeable the police officers upcoming they spotted a bad odor coming from her flat, resources mentioned.
The police officers penniless clear the door and located the 37-year-old actor’s frame in a decomposed shape.
All Indian Cine Employees Affiliation has known as on Eminent Minister Eknath Shinde and House Minister Devendra Fadnavis to behavior a radical probe into the alleged suicide.
It’s crucial for the federal government to probe the underlying reasons at the back of those ordinary tragedies within the Indian movie business, it mentioned.