11 years ago, the film ‘The Dirty Picture’, made under the banner of Balaji Motion Pictures, earned a lot of money. In today’s time, where many films are struggling at the box office to recover their cost, Ekta Kapoor did not double-quadruple with the budget of 18 crores, but earned 117 crores. Apart from Hindi, this film was also released in Tamil and Telugu languages worldwide. It is said that due to the bold scene, this film was banned in Kuwait.
Silk Smitha’s birthday on 2 December
There were many controversies about this film based on the biography of the famous South actress Silk Smita. Although the makers had said that this film is not completely based on Smita. But call it a coincidence or a deliberate decision This film was released on 2nd December and Silk Smita’s birthday is on 2nd December itself.
‘The Dirty Picture’ was not easy for Vidya
In the film ‘The Dirty Picture’, an attempt was made to show the story behind the scenes in the South Film Industry. In this film, the character of Silk Smitha was played by Vidya Balan. Vidya’s strong acting in this film was highly praised. Although Vidya is an actress who has done many experiments in her film life, but doing this film was not easy for her. In one of her interviews, Vidya had told that ‘Dirty Picture’ was the most difficult role. Because there was a lot of difference between Silk and me as an actress, I was scared because Silk was a very outspoken actress… but thanks to the almighty that I got a lot of love for this role.
Makers had faith only on Vidya
When the script was narrated to Vidya Balan and the picture of the kind of clothes to be worn in the film was shown. Tight pants, clothes with big necks, petticoats, Vidya Balan was upset. But Milan Lutharia and Ekta Kapoor were selected for this role by Vidya. Vidya told an anecdote related to the offer of this film in ‘The Anupam Kher Show’. Vidya told that Milan Lutharia wanted to work with me after the film ‘Parineeta’. He came to me and said that the name of the film would be ‘Dirty Picture’. I was surprised, then asked him that you really want to do this film with me. He said that yes I am sure that I want to do this film with you. I asked why me? So he said that after the completion of the film, I will tell why only you? I don’t even wear sleeveless and there were no sleeves in the film.
Vidya took special tips after watching movies
Milan had told in an interview to the media that ‘I wanted to show Vidya that the role she is playing on screen is not bad or obscene but a part of better acting. For this, I advised to watch films like ‘Burlesque’ and ‘Chicago’., When the film hit the theaters 11 years ago, Vidya Balan created such magic on the silver screen with her bold acts and strong dialogue delivery that money started pouring in at the box office.
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Tags: ekta kapoor, Entertainment Special, Naseeruddin Shah, tushar kapoor, Vidya Balan
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 02, 2022, 11:43 IST